

We believe the Bible entrusts the leadership of the church to a plurality of elders (also synonymously called "pastors"). Elders/pastors are to be men exemplary in character who can teach, nurture, and lead the church. They seek also to guard the church's doctrinal integrity and relational purity as under-shepherds of the Chief Shepherd, Jesus Christ.

Steve Bond

Pastor/Elder Overseeing Witness

Chris Handel


Ken Crane

Elder Overseeing Work

David Hansen

Elder Overseeing Work

Cameron Dahl

Pastor/Elder Overseeing Worship

Matt Webster

Pastor/Elder Overseeing Walk
As a community of believers we:
Worship God and submit to Him in prayer (Matt 22:37, John 4:23-24)
Walk in the Word through discipleship (Ps 1:1-2, 1 John 1:7)
Work in the Body of Christ for its edification (Eph 2:10)
Witness to others about the hope of the gospel (Acts 1:8, Rev 12:11)
Welcome one another into our homes and hearts (1 Pet 4:8-9, Acts 2:42)


Steve Bond

Pastor/Elder Overseeing Witness

Cameron Dahl

Pastor/Elder Overseeing Worship

Kris Floyd

Church Administrator

Matt Hemphill

Student Ministries Coordinator

Amy McDougall

Children's Ministry Coordinator

Matt Webster

Pastor/Elder Overseeing Walk


Deacons assist the elders in serving the church body in specific areas of service that are determined by the needs of the church.  These needs may be permanent or temporary in nature. They are recognized as qualified by the elders and examined by the congregation who participate in the selection process as outlined in the By-Laws.

Al Ashe

Jon Luman

Brett Bujac

Kevin Williams

Adam Coleman

Matt Zimmerman